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The exposure and knowledge gained during the first year of the CDE programme at Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS) prepared me for the challenges at the Palacky University Olomouc (UPOL).  With my chosen specialization which is Geovisualization and Web Cartography, I was widely exposed to the fundamental of Cartography, its historical background, and how it evolved to becoming Geovisualization (modern Cartography) due to the advancement and trends in technology. Department of Geoinformatics, UPOL has well-seasoned professors, lecturers, and tutors who are readily available, reachable and provide students with invaluable knowledge which facilitates advancement in their professional and academic careers.

Some of the courses and research activities are as shown and explained below:


Thematic Cartography deals with the creation of maps that visualize the geographic pattern of a particular subject matter in a geographic area. This can be achieved using either spatial or non-spatial data and both data can be utilized depending on the purpose of the map. The principles and elements of Geovisualization are of great importance in the creation of thematic maps. Features of the real world entities are represented by map symbols that show the trend in the visualized data. Examples of thematic maps are population density, temperature, language etc. The course was handled by Dr. Alena Vondrakova, Ph.D. LL.M.



Choropleth map shows statistical data aggregated over predefined regions, states, or countries using coloured symbols or shading patterns. Darker colour represents high values while lower values are depicted with a lighter colour.

The choropleth map showing the population density of the Czech Republic was created from 2019 population data made available for practical purposes. It showcased the density of the population of people in each administrative districts of municipalities with extended competencies in the Czech Republic.


Graduated / Proportional symbol map shows statistical data with aggregation to points over a predefined area such as states, countries etc.

For proportional symbol, the size of the symbols in direct relation to the attribute value while graduated symbol uses symbol sizes to represent classes of data (data intervals) rather than unique or absolute values.

The map shown in this section is the graduated symbol map. It represents the statistical data of marriages in the Czech Republic. Each circle depicts the value range of the number of marriages in each region. 

Marriages in Czechia.PNG
Bar Chart - PopulationAgeStructure.jpg


Chart symbol map uses charts (pie chart and bar chart) to visualize statistical data over a predefined area. The main purpose of a chart map is to represent statistical data based on certain characteristics in a given location.

The map shown in this section is the bar chart symbol map. It represents the population age structure within the South Bohemian Region of the Czech Republic.  Here, choropleth and chart maps were combined in a single map to aid a good understanding of the presented information. The bar chart shows the statistical distribution of the age structure in the region.

At the end of the course, a poster was created as a final project which showcased my academic background, Nigerian history, heritage and geographical map, etc.


Design in Geovisualization deals with the principles and elements of map design and creation. The course was handled by Dr. Alena Vondrakova, Ph.D. LL.M. Some of the course outlines were Geovisualization, Cognitive visualization, 3D cartography, User needs & testing, Related Issues in Geovisualization, Typification etc.


Vintage map.PNG


Makoko, Lagos.jpeg
Smetanovy Sady Recreation Park.PNG



Web Cartography deals with the creation of maps and data visualization via the web. The course was handled by Dr. Rostislav Netek, Ph.D. The course showcased many possibilities of creating web applications and the available open-source and commercial map libraries and APIs (Application Programming Interface) with which web maps can be made. Some of the map libraries and APIs explored during the course are ArcGIS Online, Carto, GIS Quick, Google Map APIs, Javascript, Leaflet, Mapbox, Maptiler, Open Layers, QGIS Cloud, etc. 

I created a web application on the topic "Tourist Attractions in Nigeria" as a web cartography semester project. The web application and GitHub repository created for the semester project can be accessed with the buttons below.

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